Meet Marho: Sarah Martin

 (Marho top and backpack, Cheap Monday sweater, Helmut Lang blazer, Country Road pants (similar here), Windsor Smith slides via MarketHQ)

I’ve always been interested in the people behind the brands- how and why they’re doing what they’re doing and what continues to drive and inspire them on the day to day. My blog is and has always been an extension of what I love and so I thought why not include a series where I explore just that with different inspirational people in different areas. First up, I was lucky enough to chat with the delightful Sarah Martin about all things Marho. I’m loving what this girl is doing and see big things ahead. Read on below x

Tell us a little about your background – did you study and what was it that drew you into fashion, ultimately leading  you to launching Marho?
I studied fashion for three years getting my Certificate 4 in clothing design and footwear, Diploma in Applied Fashion Design and Technology, Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design, Merchandising and Marketing. Then I went on to get my Certificate in Professional Photo, Film, TV & Personal Styling. And now I’m studying to get my Certificate iv in marketing and small business management. 
I’ve always been drawn into fashion from an early age. When I was younger I would design wedding dresses on bits of scrap paper. But I knew I wanted to be in the fashion industry when I got excited to do Fashion home work in High school. 
I started Marho because I found it very hard to get a graduate position in the fashion industry. I knew I always wanted to have a fashion label, so in the end it all worked out for the best, because it pushed me to follow my dreams and just take the leap. 
How would you describe the Marho aesthetic and what's been your biggest influences in terms of design/other designers?
Marho’s aesthetic is simple designs based on using raw materials. I want Marho’s pieces to stay in women’s wardrobes for years, so customers are getting the most out of their money.  My biggest influence is travel, social media, music and life in general. I’m forever inspired by so many beautiful friends and lucky to live in a community where I’m surrounded by so many creative people. I’m inspired everyday. 

The brand is heavily focused on quality leather and suedes- is there a reason behind this choice?
I want to create timeless pieces that will be in women’s wardrobes for years and work back with other basic pieces in their wardrobes. I’ve always loved the quality of leather in Indonesia and who doesn’t like leather??? It can be smart, dressy, casual, and will look good on anyone.  
What's been the biggest challenge that you’ve encountered creating and establishing your own brand?
Dealing with cultural differences, which can result in mistakes. But I’ve learnt that problems are there to overcome, and in the long run they will make your stronger as a person and even better at being a business owner. Every day I’m learning new things which gives me the confidence to establish the brand into something bigger than I have ever expected.  

Where do you see yourself and your career in say, 5 years?
I want Marho to be Nationally and Internationally recognised and showing at Sydney and Melbourne Fashion week. I’m lucky enough to get up every morning and get excited to go to work because it is my dream to run Marho. I still hope in 5 years I’m enjoying it as much as I am now. 
What does a typical work day look like for you?
Arrive my studio, reply to emails, send off any website orders, contact any possible stockists (I’m always looking for new stores to wholesale to) Look at online fashion blogs for inspiration for upcoming collections, paperwork (boring), contacting Indonesia to check up on production and study. I’m always studying something.

I'm a big quote person- do you have any favorites?
Oh i have so many, I’m the biggest quote lover...
"Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there’s footprints on the moon”.

And finally, what tips would you give to anybody who wants to start their own label?
Don’t be scared. If you’re passionate about fashion design, then do it. I live by this quote…. “Great things never came from comfort zones”.  
But…. I’d highly recommending doing a small business and marketing course to help you with establishing a business and to keep it running successfully. You can be the most amazing designer, but will never be recognised in the industry without the basics in marketing and how to run a business. 
See more Marho here


  1. Love the combination of outfit pictures and an interesting interview! I wished you had taken photos of the person interviewed too x

  2. Very cool looks.
    Nice post!

    Much Love, M

  3. Amazing outfit ! Love the bag so much ! Great photos too !

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